I am not superstitious, are you?|[00:07.56]
Yesterday was
Friday the thirteenth.|[00:12.29]
Some people think
that Friday the thirteenth|[00:15.09]
is an unlucky day.|[00:18.01]
I think that it is just
like any other day.|[00:22.24]
Some people believe that if
a black cat crosses your path,|[00:25.97]
you will have bad luck.|[00:29.02]
I don't believe that either.|[00:33.00]
My mother always gets upset|[00:34.81]
if I open an umbrella
in the house.|[00:38.25]
She says that it is bad luck.|[00:41.60]
She is probably right about|[00:42.97]
that one because an open
umbrella would take up|[00:45.71]
a lot of space, and you
might knock things over.|[00:49.51]
If your left hand is itchy, you
are supposed to get money.|[00:54.48]
I have had an itchy
left hand before,|[00:57.78]
but I haven't received
any money because of it.|[01:01.26]
It is bad luck to
walk under a ladder.|[01:05.18]
This is probably true|[01:06.18]
because you might knock
somebody off the ladder,|[01:08.79]
or have a can of
paint fall on top of you.|[01:12.46]
If you are acting in a play,|[01:14.57]
it is bad luck if someone
says "good luck" to you.|[01:18.93]
This is very confusing.|[01:22.60]
You are supposed to tell
an actor to "break a leg."|[01:26.95]
It doesn't mean that you
want the actor to break his leg.|[01:31.31]
It means good luck to the actor.|[01:34.23]
Actors have a lot of
superstitions that are very unusual.|[01:38.40]
I am not superstitious.|[01:41.14]
I don't believe in
superstitions at all.|[01:45.43]
It is just fun to learn
about superstitions.|[01:49.91]
Some of them are very old|[01:52.03]
and have been passed down
from generation to generation.|[01:56.25]
I once did a project at
school on superstitions.|[02:00.11]
It was a very interesting topic,
and I got a good mark for it.
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