What does the word
"family" mean to you?|[00:04.19]
The easiest way to
define family is to talk about|[00:08.30]
who you are related to.|[00:10.60]
Usually, there is a mom
and a dad and children|[00:15.02]
who are brothers and sisters.|[00:17.26]
This would be the "core" family.|[00:19.87]
Then there is the
"extended" family|[00:23.04]
which would include
grandparents, aunts and uncles,|[00:27.71]
cousins, nieces and
nephews and in-laws|[00:31.75]
(people married to
your bothers or sisters,|[00:34.92]
husband or wife).|[00:36.98]
However, I think
the word "family"|[00:40.46]
has a much deeper meaning.|[00:42.76]
The word "family" brings
words to my mind like:|[00:47.11]
love, support, help,
kindness, fun, love, trips,|[00:55.51]
closeness, love,
forgiving, sharing, love,|[01:01.80]
understanding, respect and love!|[01:06.21]
You'll notice one word|[01:08.02]
that is repeated
over and over again.|[01:10.88]
LOVE. I believe if a family
has real love for one another,|[01:15.73]
they will be able to overcome
any problems they may have.|[01:20.46]
Actually, they may not
have too many problems|[01:24.88]
if they all love and
respect one another.|[01:28.48]
However, there are things
that cannot be helped;|[01:32.15]
like death, sickness
or accidents.|[01:35.76]
It is during those hard times|[01:37.87]
that a family's love
helps them to go|[01:40.68]
through those experiences.|[01:42.85]
We had quite a few
children in my family.|[01:46.65]
There were brothers and sisters|[01:48.76]
which included
an adopted brother|[01:51.31]
and a number of
foster children, too.|[01:54.17]
I was also very
fortunate that I had both|[01:58.03]
my mom and dad to live with|[01:59.90]
and do things like
vacations together.|[02:02.76]
We had a lot of fun and there
were some times of tears, too.|[02:07.61]
Above all, we love one another!|[02:10.47]
Family is a wonderful
thing! I am so lucky!
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Learn English By Listening Level 2 Unit 047
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