[00:00.10]Bed Time|[00:02.52]
I am almost nine years old
and my bed time is 8:30 p.m.|[00:06.93]
I think that is so unfair!|[00:08.93]
I think I am old enough to
stay up until at least 9:00 p.m.|[00:12.47]
My parents say that I
have to go to bed early|[00:15.02]
because I have
school the next day.|[00:16.89]
I can't wait until I am grown up|[00:18.88]
and can stay awake
as long as I want.|[00:20.99]
Even though I think I should
be able to go to bed later,|[00:23.98]
I do like our
night time routine.|[00:26.22]
At about 8:l5 p.m.,
my Mom sends us up|[00:29.33]
to put on our pajamas.|[00:31.01]
When we come back
downstairs, we read together.|[00:33.62]
Sometimes Mom will read to us,|[00:35.55]
and sometimes
we will read to her.|[00:37.54]
If Dad is not working, he
will sometimes read, too.|[00:40.53]
Mostly it is Mom
we read with though.|[00:43.01]
When we read, Mom helps
us with words we cannot read.|[00:46.13]
We have to try and
sound the word out,|[00:48.24]
but if we are really
stuck, she will help us.|[00:50.60]
If we come to a
place in our reading|[00:52.66]
where we do not understand
the meaning of what was written,|[00:55.02]
we stop reading and look at Mom.|[00:57.13]
She will tell us what it means|[00:58.63]
or help us figure
it out on our own.|[01:00.87]
After we are finished reading,|[01:02.55]
we say goodnight to
everyone in our house.|[01:04.60]
First we say goodnight to Mom|[01:06.47]
and give her a hug and a kiss.|[01:07.96]
Then we do the same for
Dad, then our little sister,|[01:10.14]
and then our dog!|[01:11.63]
Afterwards, we go
upstairs and brush our teeth.|[01:14.56]
I have to do special
stretching exercises|[01:17.36]
for the muscles in my
chest and legs, or I get pains|[01:20.29]
when I run and play.|[01:21.53]
I do my stretching
before I get into bed.|[01:24.27]
After my exercises, either my
brother or I turn off the lights.|[01:28.31]
We share a bedroom, so we
take turns turning the light off.|[01:31.67]
Before we get into
bed, we say our prayers.|[01:34.72]
After we get into
our beds, my brother|[01:36.96]
and I talk to each
other for a long time.|[01:39.14]
We tell each other
about our day,|[01:41.06]
about what we hope
will happen in the future,|[01:43.18]
about our friends and all
sorts of other important things.|[01:46.41]
After awhile, we get so tired,|[01:48.53]
we just fall asleep in
the middle of talking!|[01:51.02]
Even though we go
to bed at 8:30 p.m.,|[01:53.63]
we talk so long we don't go
to sleep until about 10:00 p.m.|[01:57.18]
I still do not know why I
have to go to bed so early|[02:00.64]
when I am not even tired!