[00:00.46]My Parents|[00:02.70]
My parents live in England,
and I live in Canada.|[00:06.49]
I don't see them often.|[00:08.04]
They used to come
and visit on a plane,|[00:10.34]
and we would pick them
up at Toronto airport.|[00:13.58]
But now they are older|[00:15.38]
and say the flight
is too long for them.|[00:17.81]
I went to visit them last year,
with my son, their grandson.|[00:22.41]
They live by the ocean,
and we could hear|[00:25.96]
the sound of the waves
through the bedroom window|[00:28.45]
and see the blue water
of the English channel.|[00:31.31]
There is an island with
a castle on top in the bay.|[00:35.29]
We walked many
times on the beach|[00:37.53]
and picked up
pebbles and feathers.|[00:40.08]
We visited the island and walked
up the steep hill to the castle.|[00:44.56]
My mother likes to cook.|[00:46.74]
She makes delicious
cakes and pies.|[00:49.66]
We went for a hike and
picked wild blackberries.|[00:53.14]
She made them into a
pie that smelled so good|[00:56.19]
coming out of the oven and
tasted so good on our plates.|[00:59.93]
She has many cook books with
recipes from all over the world|[01:04.09]
and likes to try new things.|[01:06.46]
She can make pastry very easily|[01:08.64]
and rolls it with a
rolling pin quickly.|[01:11.37]
When I tried to make pastry,
it sticks to the rolling pin,|[01:15.41]
it has holes at the bottom of
the pie, and it tastes like a rock!|[01:19.89]
Her pastry is crisp and tender.|[01:23.00]
My father likes to garden.|[01:24.99]
He grows lettuce, carrots,
potatoes, tomatoes,|[01:28.79]
cucumbers and many flowers.|[01:31.53]
When my mother was very ill
last year, she had to stay in bed.|[01:35.63]
He planted roses outside
her bedroom window,|[01:38.93]
so she could open the
curtains and see them.|[01:41.98]
Their house has small
room with windows all around,|[01:45.21]
and they plant seeds
there in winter in small pots.|[01:48.63]
The warmth from the
sun makes the seeds grow,|[01:51.68]
and in spring they are a
good size to be planted outside.|[01:55.47]
In the house beside them and
in the house in front of them,|[01:59.46]
there are older ladies
whose husbands have died.|[02:02.38]
These ladies do not drive,
so my father takes my mother|[02:06.05]
and the two ladies to the
town for shopping every week.|[02:09.47]
He helps one find her groceries
because she cannot see well.|[02:14.20]
He helps her take tapes
of books from the library|[02:17.13]
so she can listen to books
instead of reading them|[02:20.30]
because of her eyes.|[02:21.92]
He helps them cut their
grass and fix anything|[02:25.21]
that is broken in the house.|[02:27.14]
I am very proud of my parents;|[02:29.63]
they are over eighty
years old and often hurt|[02:33.11]
when they move around.|[02:34.48]
But still they help other
people, and they help each other.|[02:38.27]
They have been married
for over fifty years,|[02:41.26]
but still my father loves my
mother enough to plant roses|[02:45.30]
for her to cheer her
up when she was ill.