[00:00.10]The Musician|[00:02.75]
There once was a little
girl named Rain Angel.|[00:06.79]
She loved to sit at
the piano and play.|[00:09.59]
Rain Angel was
a very gifted girl.|[00:12.64]
She had a voice that
gave people shivers,|[00:15.94]
and she loved to sing!|[00:17.80]
As Rain got older, she
continued to love music.|[00:21.97]
Rain became
involved in the choirs|[00:24.98]
and bands at her high school.|[00:27.03]
She loved performing
in front of people.|[00:29.52]
She couldn't help|[00:30.76]
but feel the sense
of power she had|[00:33.56]
when she was up on stage,|[00:34.93]
and there was
always loud clapping|[00:37.11]
when she finished a song.|[00:38.66]
Rain soon went out on her own|[00:40.72]
and looked for someone|[00:42.89]
that could help her
become famous.|[00:44.95]
Rain wanted to share
her talent with the world.|[00:48.18]
She felt that her
special talent for music|[00:51.17]
helped people feel good.|[00:53.22]
Rain went out
into the big world,|[00:56.08]
and she did very well.|[00:58.01]
She was always
performing her best,|[01:00.69]
and someone finally noticed her.|[01:03.42]
Her new agent helped
her to make her first album.|[01:07.59]
Rain became famous
because she never quit trying.|[01:11.70]
Rain loved her new way of life.|[01:14.62]
She continued singing
and playing her piano.|[01:18.04]
She was even taught
how to write her own music!|[01:21.21]
Rain Angel had always dreamed|[01:24.20]
of becoming a celebrity.|[01:26.38]
She always remembered
her friends and family|[01:28.99]
when she was famous|[01:30.79]
because they had
always believed in her.|[01:33.47]
Rain Angel strove
for a faraway place,|[01:37.08]
and it became her reality.|[01:39.69]
She always believed that
what she wanted to become|[01:42.86]
was her choice.|[01:43.98]
She believed that if
you have the strength|[01:46.59]
and determination you can
make your dreams come true.