[00:00.10]The Circus|[00:02.72]
A big tent was in the middle
of the town's parking lot!|[00:08.63]
We were going to
a three-ring circus.|[00:11.62]
I couldn't wait for it to begin.|[00:14.04]
Inside and outside of
the tent, toys, balloons|[00:18.65]
and food were being sold.|[00:20.45]
All of the children
were so very excited.|[00:23.44]
Inside the tent, we
found good seats|[00:26.67]
so we could see everything.|[00:28.42]
The band started
to play loud music,|[00:31.03]
and the ringmaster came out|[00:33.64]
with a big tall hat on his head.|[00:35.76]
In one ring, there were
small animals, dogs,|[00:39.92]
monkeys and
parrots doing tricks.|[00:43.10]
The dogs were
dressed in funny clothes,|[00:45.52]
and so were the monkeys.|[00:47.76]
They rode on bicycles,
danced and climbed ladders.|[00:51.74]
There were wild tigers and lions|[00:54.60]
in a big round wire cage.|[00:56.90]
A man with a whip was
inside the cage with them.|[01:00.02]
He had them trained to
jump through a hoop of fire|[01:03.56]
and to roll over.|[01:05.12]
He even kissed them!
He was very brave!|[01:08.10]
During the break in
the middle of the circus,|[01:11.09]
funny clowns came
out and did silly things.|[01:14.01]
They had happy
faces and sad faces.|[01:17.68]
Some had big red
noses that honked|[01:20.48]
if you squeezed them.|[01:22.47]
There were rides
on big elephants too.|[01:24.84]
I didn't go on one because
it cost too much money.|[01:28.75]
The last act took
up the whole tent.|[01:32.55]
It was acrobats. They
hung from their teeth,|[01:36.53]
their feet and their
necks high up in the air!|[01:40.57]
They also swung
high up in the air|[01:43.44]
and "flew" to each other.|[01:45.49]
It's kind of scary to watch|[01:47.92]
because I was
afraid they might fall.|[01:50.15]
I had a very good
time at the circus.|[01:52.95]
However, my
tummy felt kind of sick|[01:55.94]
from all the cotton
candy and junk food I ate!