[00:00.10]School Dance|[00:02.10]
It is the first school dance
that I have ever been to.|[00:05.21]
All of the boys are standing
on one side of the gymnasium,|[00:09.20]
and all of the girls
are on the other side.|[00:11.56]
There is loud music playing,|[00:13.55]
and I can hardly hear
my friends talking.|[00:16.23]
The music is going fast,|[00:18.28]
and some people are starting
to move to the beat of the song.|[00:21.70]
Soon all the girls are dancing,|[00:24.06]
but the boys are still
standing against the wall.|[00:27.49]
Then the song ends,
and slow music comes on.|[00:31.72]
I don't know what to do, so I
just go and stand against the wall.|[00:36.01]
Then one of the boys in my
class comes over and asks me|[00:39.62]
if I would like to
dance to the slow song.|[00:42.60]
I really feel awkward
and nervous, but say yes.|[00:46.59]
We go out into the
middle of the gym,|[00:50.07]
and he puts his
hands on my waist,|[00:52.31]
and I put my hands
on his shoulders.|[00:54.61]
We start to move to the music,
and we step on each other's feet!|[00:59.09]
He is bigger than me, so
my toe starts to hurt a little bit!|[01:03.01]
As we continue to "slow dance,"|[01:05.99]
more boys and girls come
to the middle of the gym|[01:08.67]
to dance together.|[01:09.98]
It sure is funny to
watch people dance|[01:12.84]
because they are stepping
on each other's toes|[01:15.07]
and bumping into each other|[01:16.63]
and turning in
opposite directions!|[01:18.99]
Soon the song ends,|[01:20.67]
and the boys go to one
side of the gym again.|[01:23.47]
The girls decide that they
want to dance to a fast song,|[01:27.21]
so they stay in the
middle of the gym|[01:29.01]
and dance with one another.|[01:30.87]
Our teachers are making sure|[01:33.24]
that we are behaving
because they are watching us.|[01:35.73]
I wonder if they want to dance.|[01:38.03]
They probably are remembering
their first school dance.|[01:41.82]
I wonder if someday I'll be
grown up just like the teachers|[01:45.99]
and laughing at the memories
of my first school dance?|[01:49.60]
I sure hope so!