Hobbies are activities|[00:03.98]
that people do in
their spare time,|[00:06.41]
for the sake of enjoyment.|[00:07.90]
A hobby usually involves
work of some kind,|[00:11.32]
but the work is fun for
the person who does it.|[00:14.37]
Some people enjoy
their hobbies very much|[00:17.60]
and like to spend much
time on those hobbies.|[00:21.27]
There are many different
hobbies that people enjoy.|[00:24.38]
One of the most popular
hobbies is gardening.|[00:28.18]
Many people enjoy
growing beautiful flowers|[00:31.66]
or tasty vegetables in a garden|[00:34.77]
near their house or apartment.|[00:36.76]
People who have a garden enjoy|[00:39.69]
seeing the results
of their work,|[00:41.74]
when flowers show their
bright, beautiful colours.|[00:45.10]
But gardeners also enjoy
the tasks of gardening itself.|[00:49.83]
They like to work in the soil,|[00:51.95]
planting and
watering their flowers.|[00:54.31]
Another popular
hobby is photography.|[00:57.92]
Some people enjoy
taking pictures of the people|[01:01.46]
and places around them.|[01:03.45]
People who enjoy photography|[01:06.01]
may sometimes buy
expensive cameras|[01:08.68]
that allow interesting
photographs to be taken.|[01:11.85]
But even people who
have only a basic camera|[01:15.15]
can still take
beautiful pictures.|[01:17.70]
For many people, car
repair is a favourite hobby.|[01:21.80]
Some people enjoy
looking at the engine|[01:24.42]
and other parts of their cars.|[01:26.60]
Those people make repairs
or improvements to their cars.|[01:30.58]
Of course, this
is a useful hobby,|[01:33.44]
but many people
enjoy "fixing up" a car|[01:36.36]
simply because they
enjoy working with cars.|[01:40.16]
Some people collect
objects as a hobby.|[01:43.83]
For example, some people
collect postage stamps,|[01:47.43]
and some people collect coins.|[01:50.29]
It can be very
satisfying to find|[01:52.90]
the missing parts
of one's collection,|[01:55.08]
especially when the
stamps or coins are very rare.|[01:59.31]
Of course, these are just
a few of the many hobbies|[02:03.41]
that people enjoy.|[02:04.84]
Do you have any
hobbies that you enjoy?