[00:00.39]Radio Stations|[00:03.31]
When I drive in my car,
I like to turn on the radio.|[00:07.05]
By listening to the
radio, I can enjoy music|[00:10.66]
and learn the latest
news while I am travelling|[00:13.52]
from one place to another.|[00:15.63]
Of course, you can also
listen the radio at home,|[00:19.11]
or even at work.|[00:20.54]
Listening to the radio is a
popular activity for many people,|[00:24.40]
and each city has many
different radio stations.|[00:27.82]
There are many different
kinds of radio stations.|[00:31.24]
Some radio stations
provide news and information.|[00:35.10]
Other radio stations
have a "talk" format,|[00:38.27]
where listeners can call
the radio station's experts,|[00:41.20]
to discuss political affairs
or to ask for personal advice.|[00:46.27]
Although there are
many radio stations|[00:48.32]
that provide news and
opinions, most radio stations|[00:51.50]
are mainly devoted to
playing music of some kind.|[00:55.04]
For example, some radio
stations play the songs|[00:58.52]
that are currently most popular,|[01:00.14]
often called the "top 40" songs.|[01:03.13]
Other radio stations specialize
in particular types of music.|[01:06.86]
There are some stations
that play only classical music.|[01:10.84]
Other radio stations
mainly play jazz music.|[01:14.45]
Some very popular radio
stations play "hard rock" music.|[01:18.68]
Others specialize
in country music.|[01:21.60]
Some people
prefer radio stations|[01:23.66]
that play
rhythm-and-blues music.|[01:26.21]
Still other people
enjoy radio stations|[01:28.76]
that specialize in soft,
"easy listening" music.|[01:32.31]
If you have a
favourite kind of music,|[01:34.73]
or even if you like to
listen to all kinds of music,|[01:37.78]
you can probably find
at least one radio station|[01:40.64]
that you will like.|[01:42.13]
In addition to news and music,|[01:44.75]
some radio stations provide
other kinds of entertainment.|[01:48.48]
Sometimes, a story from a
book will be told over the radio.|[01:52.59]
Occasionally, the
words of a theatrical play|[01:55.20]
may be heard on the radio.|[01:56.88]
Even in the age of
television and computers,|[02:00.36]
the radio has remained
an important source|[02:02.97]
of entertainment
and information.|[02:05.21]
People will surely listen to the
radio for a long time to come.