[00:00.46]Personal Computers|[00:02.76]
During the 1980s and 1990s,|[00:05.56]
personal computers
became very widespread.|[00:08.98]
The use of the computer|[00:10.54]
has changed people's
lifestyles in several ways.|[00:13.90]
Before 1980, hardly
anyone owned a computer.|[00:18.00]
Only governments and large
companies had computers.|[00:21.61]
But throughout the
1980s and 1990s,|[00:24.97]
computers became much
cheaper, faster, and smaller,|[00:28.83]
and they held much more memory.|[00:31.32]
More and more people were
able to afford to buy a computer.|[00:34.74]
By the year 2000, computers
had become very common.|[00:39.28]
For many people, the
personal computer is used|[00:42.02]
mainly for performing calculations
and for word processing.|[00:46.37]
For example, people can calculate
their finances on the computer.|[00:50.85]
They can also use the computer
to type their written documents,|[00:54.52]
such as essays or letters.|[00:56.82]
Many people enjoy playing
games on their computers.|[01:00.31]
Some people like to play chess
or checkers on their computer.|[01:04.41]
Other people prefer games|[01:06.09]
that require fast reflexes
and fine co-ordination.|[01:09.51]
Computer games were very simple|[01:11.75]
during the early
days of the 1980s.|[01:14.18]
Today's computer games show
detailed images and sounds.|[01:17.72]
Another very popular use of
computers involves communication.|[01:22.14]
Many people keep in touch
with their friends and relatives|[01:25.69]
by using electronic
mail, or e-mail.|[01:28.73]
E-mail allows people to send
letters instantly to people far away.|[01:33.52]
It is even possible to attach
pictures to one's e-mail messages.|[01:38.19]
Many people also like
to use their computer|[01:40.80]
to gain information
on the Internet.|[01:43.29]
The Internet is a vast
network of electronic pages|[01:46.96]
where people can find
information on many different topics.|[01:50.50]
For example, people
can read newspapers|[01:53.30]
and magazines on the Internet.|[01:55.67]
Personal computers have
only existed for a short time.|[01:59.59]
But for many people,
those computers|[02:01.95]
have quickly become a very
useful part of everyday life!
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