[00:00.40]A Life Experience|[00:02.64]
My friend Lani and I went
to Burger King yesterday.|[00:05.69]
We ordered a big order of
french fries and a couple of drinks.|[00:09.61]
Lani got a strawberry milkshake.|[00:12.16]
I picked out a table
near the window|[00:14.83]
so we could look at
the people passing by.|[00:17.26]
As we were sitting there,
we heard our favourite song,|[00:20.68]
"Butterfly" by the band
Crazy Town come on the radio.|[00:25.28]
We looked at each other
with big grins on our faces|[00:28.21]
and started singing and dancing!|[00:30.70]
It was great fun. Many
people began staring at us,|[00:34.62]
wondering why we were so happy.|[00:36.73]
We didn't care; we just kept on
moving and enjoying ourselves.|[00:40.77]
The song ended, and we
were almost finished our food.|[00:43.95]
We sat and talked about what
was happening in our lives.|[00:47.37]
She had just bought four
new t-shirts for the summer.|[00:50.85]
The new sandals she had
gotten for her birthday had|[00:53.78]
given her really bad blisters
on the sides of her feet.|[00:57.38]
When she wore other shoes,|[00:59.25]
she had to wear
bandaids on the blisters.|[01:01.99]
I told her that I had bought
four new C.D.'s. I love music!|[01:06.78]
As we finished our conversation,
we finished off our drinks.|[01:11.26]
I like going out with
Lani and talking.|[01:13.81]
Lani is my best friend and I
can talk to her about anything.|[01:18.10]
I am glad I have her
to share my life with,|[01:20.90]
even if it is as simple
as going to Burger King|[01:23.76]
and eating french fries!|[01:25.63]
Lani and I are planning
to travel together|[01:28.36]
so we are trying
to save our money.|[01:30.91]
Our french fries and drink
only came to about ,|[01:34.27]
so we didn't feel too bad
about spending our money!|[01:37.51]
I wonder though, if McDonald's
would have been cheaper?